Steps to configure OID DIP synchronization with Active Directory
1.Verify that your OID server will let you communicate with the Active Directory Server[oracle@dev-oid-01 logs]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
[oracle@dev-oid-01 bin]$ ./ldapbind -h dr-rootdc-dev1 -p 389 -D "CN=pnhai,CN=Users,dc=vietin,dc=vn" -w Az123456
bind successful
2. Run the ldapsearch to obtain the last change number on Active Directory.[oracle@dev-oid-01 bin]$ ./ldapsearch -h dr-rootdc-dev1 -p 389 -D "CN=pnhai,CN=Users,dc=vietin,dc=vn" -w Az123456 -b "" -s base "objectclass=*" highestCommittedUSN
3. Verify that you can read the 'container' of directory entries that you wish to synchronize from AD[oracle@dev-oid-01 bin]$ ./ldapsearch -h dr-rootdc-dev1 -p 389 -D "CN=pnhai,CN=Users,dc=vietin,dc=vn" -w Az123456 -b "OU=ANHT,dc=vietin,dc=vn" -s base "objectclass=*"
4. Verify that you can read an entry within the 'container' of directory entries that you wish to synchronize from AD:[oracle@dev-oid-01 bin]$ ./ldapsearch -h dr-rootdc-dev1 -p 389 -D "CN=pnhai,CN=Users,dc=vietin,dc=vn" -w Az123456 -b "CN=dev1,OU=ANHT,dc=vietin,dc=vn" -s base "objectclass=*"
5. Login to FMW Enterprise Manager console with weblogic user.
configuration DIP.
Note: Do not enable the profile at this stage.
6. Bootstrap the users using the command line tool[oracle@dev-oid-01 bin]$ /u01/app/oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IDM1/bin/syncProfileBootstrap -h -port 7005 -D weblogic -profile AD_to_OID -lp 5
[Weblogic user password]
Connection parameters initialized.
Connecting at, with userid "weblogic"..
Connected successfully.
The bootstrap operation completed, the operation results are:
entries read in bootstrap operation: 33
entries filtered in bootstrap operation: 0
entries ignored in bootstrap operation: 0
entries processed in bootstrap operation: 23
entries failed in bootstrap operation: 10
7. Verify that all the AD users were pulled into OID according to mapping rules
8. Enable the profile using either FMW EM Console or via the command line tool.